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Top 5 Reasons Why Live Rosin Concentrate Is Better

Top 5 Reasons Why Live Rosin Concentrate Is Better

One of the biggest benefits of using a solventless concentrate is its health benefits. People with heart and respiratory conditions should avoid solvent-based dabs. In addition, many dabbers experience breathing problems while using solvent-based dabs. But those who have switched to solventless concentrates report that the switch has solved their breathing problems. Solventless concentrate Los Angeles not only makes smoking safer but also cleaner and healthier. In addition, you can easily press your favorite strain and get its full flavor and terpene content.


The price of live rosin concentrate is significantly less than solventless concentrate. However, the process is not simple. To produce the desired rosin product, you must expose the cannabis plant to heat and pressure. The application of heat melts the cannabinoids and terpenes. While live rosin is cheaper, the solventless process uses more plant particulates. Live rosin is also more potent than solventless concentrate.

Solventless extraction eliminates the need for ignitable chemicals like hydrocarbons. In addition, the process requires complicated post-processing and can end up in a fire. The solvents are flammable and can cause lab fires due to user negligence or insufficient ventilation. Live rosin concentrate is the best alternative to solventless concentrate because it is cheaper. This type of cannabis concentrate can be customized to look like any other popular extract.

Retains The Plant’s True Expression

Live rosin is a new trend in cannabis concentrates. Unlike regular cannabis oils, which come from solvent-based extraction processes, live rosin concentrate retains the plant’s original expression, including the terpene profile and fatty acids. It is also considered to be the purest form of cannabis extract. As a result, this product is typically the most expensive per gram in dispensaries.

The production of live resin and rosin is a fine art and requires the use of a closed-loop hydrocarbon extractor. Extracting terpenes from cannabis plants uses a 50/50 blend of butane and propane, which pulls more terpenes from the plant. Propane also prevents evaporation and keeps the concentrate cool.


Using solventless extraction methods results in a product with fewer impurities and is considered safer by many medical marijuana consumers. On the other hand, chemical-based methods create products with large carbon footprints, pollute local water supplies, and release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are dangerous to human health. The EPA has even deemed solvent-free extraction methods “more environment-friendly” and “safer” than conventional solvent-based methods.

A solventless concentrate does not contain chemicals or solvents and is made by pressing terpene-rich rosin at a low temperature (55-60oC) through a 25-micron screen. After filtration, the concentrate separates into two fractions: the filter contains yellow/white crystal-textured THC-A, while the high-terpene sauce oozes out onto parchment. Because the trichomes are removed from the plant matter, a solvent-free concentrate is more potent than an extract.


Some reasons have been raised to support solventless extraction methods in the cannabis industry. First, while hydrocarbon extraction can effectively remove biological impurities and other contaminants, it is expensive and requires specialized equipment. Another reason is that solvents contribute to the environment’s growing concern regarding volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are released into the atmosphere when the cannabis flower is processed. The release of VOCs is linked to a host of health and environmental problems, including respiratory irritation, liver damage, and certain cancers.

Solventless products are becoming more popular, and the cost of manufacturing them is lower than solvent-based alternatives. Because they are more affordable, solvent-free labs are more cost-effective for cannabis businesses. Additionally, they can be incorporated into an existing cannabis business with minimal investment. These reasons should make solventless a great investment for any cannabis business. However, this approach has certain limitations, which should be addressed before moving forward.


Solenoid-free cannabis concentrates have been made by pressing terpene-rich rosin through a 25-micron screen at a low temperature. The resulting extract is separated into two parts: one contains high-terpene sauce, and the other is pure THC-A. Solvent-free cannabis concentrates are considered healthier than traditional extraction methods, and their higher potency and flavor profile is evident in their distinct taste. Some of the top-quality, solventless concentrates are also available in tinctures.

The biggest difference between solvent-free and solvent-based concentrates is the process of extraction. Solvent-based methods are known for destroying terpenes and other plant compounds, which are important for the production of cannabis. Therefore, it is essential to select a solventless extract whenever possible. These methods preserve the highest purity and potency while minimizing potential health risks. Solvent-free extraction is safer for consumers because it doesn’t produce a harmful residue.

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