Are you unsure what exactly your contractor is talking about when he asks if you want an irrigation well? Unsure why he thinks a commercial well is best for your private residence? He should be able to spell out everything for you, but if you want to double-check his explanation, here are some brief definitions and facts.
Residential Well
A residential well Naples FL is relatively small compared to other types, with the hole only about half a foot wide. Since expected water usage is minimal they are typically drilled shallower than commercial wells with acceptable depths starting at just 25 feet depending on the region.
Commercial Well
These may be subject to stricter restrictions than residential wells as they are capable of accessing higher volumes of water. To accomplish this, commercial wells are dug with holes that can be up to two feet across depending on projected need.
Geothermal Well
A component of certain climate control systems, these wells are dug to use water in “geothermal exchange“. At certain depths, the Earth’s crust maintains a constant temperature unaffected by weather. This temperature varies depending on certain qualities of your region, but if you want to warm up your house in the winter—or cool it down in the summer—circulating water with geothermal wells is one way to go about it.
Irrigation Well
Most often considered for farms and golf courses, some people opt to have irrigation systems to help nourish their lawns if they anticipate hot or dry weather. Private properties with lots of acreage or heavy water usage may actually have to consider a commercial-sized well to make sure their needs are adequately met.
Be forthcoming with your contractor about your plans for usage so you can find the best fit possible. Otherwise, you might dry out your well and need to drill again.